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lay down one’s life for one’s friends
为友舍命  detail>>
one down
失去第一次发球权  detail>>
in one’s life
在有生之年内(从出生到现在)  detail>>
one life
一生只有一次 在这一生中  detail>>
discard one’s old friends
抛弃老朋友  detail>>
lay one on sb
给某人一拳  detail>>
lay one’s cards on the table
摊牌,公布自己的打算  detail>>
lay one’s finger on
正确地指出  detail>>
lay one’s hands on
拿到,得到  detail>>
give one’s life for one’s country
为国家献身  detail>>
down to one’s bottom dollar
几乎到了身无分文的地步  detail>>
look down one’s nose at
看不起  detail>>
move down one layer
向下移动一层  detail>>
nudge down one pixel
向下微移一像素  detail>>
one flight down
低调 低空飞行  detail>>
or if were down one hour
或者 下床来个把钟头  detail>>
put down one’s hand
把手放下  detail>>
quieting down one’s temper
请先息怒  detail>>